Broken Crayons

Broken Crayons

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Wonder Woman

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                           What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!

This phrase is so cliché yet so profound. This is the perfect phrase to reflect on as you are going through seasons of brokenness caused by heartbreak, death or trauma. Unfortunately we use it so much that it may feel like it has lost it's luster.

I'll admit, I'm not a comic book fanatic but the Wonder Woman was the best movie that I saw this year! It exemplified girl power and I left the movie theatre feeling like I could conquer the world! 
Life's valleys are inevitable. Just going through them  doesn't necessarily make us stronger however  what you do to get through them and how we live our life moving forward does.
In this post I wanted to dive more into the meaning of the above quote and also let you know why you are Wonder Woman!

It's so easy to let ourselves go while experiencing despair. I'm sure some of us have been through life experiences where we question "what is the purpose?"
Often times we get to a point where we just don't care anymore and in an effort to help heal our wounds  we turn to self destructive behaviors. This can be anything from binge eating, getting into a rebound relationship, self harm, drugs and other addictions.  
It  feels so good in the moment, but its satisfaction is  temporary. Next thing you know we find ourselves going into a downward spiral. 

Some of us suffer from clinical depression, anxiety and mental health diagnoses which could be triggered when we go through traumatic events. I take that very seriously and I would suggest considering seeking out a professional  for the right treatment that is best for you.
The rest of us just make poor choices (me included) even realizing that the outcome may not be  the best but we  choose not to care. Just because we spilled some milk doesn't mean we should throw away the whole cow.   

Going through the valley is a part of life. In my previous post I stated that in your pain there is promotion, preservation, protection and preparation. A lot of us will never know the reason why we go through heartache and pain. Deuteronomy 29:29 says:

"The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our  children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law." 

What I do know is this. Like a diamond that has gone through the fire to be refined you will come out shining brightly!

We are very similar to Diana aka Wonder Woman. We are the daughters of the God of the Universe,  alot of us have our Amazonian tribe of women to fight alongside us. Just like her, we have been blessed with supernatural powers. Some of us just haven't realized yet.
In the movie, it took her being almost pushed to her limit to realize the strength that was already within her.

Once you start to  activate the power that is already within you that was given to you by our Heavenly Father, then you will have people saying: "I WONDER what she did to be so full of joy? I WONDER how she got over her trauma so fast? I WONDER how she was able to continue to flourish even after experiencing such great loss?!"

Girl! You are WONDER WOMAN. You are full of WONDER that has yet to be seen! Take the time to cry and sulk but after that, start surrounding yourself with women who are in your tribe! Start engaging in progressive and productive activity. 

Make a commitment to climb that hill to get out of the valley. You know why? Commitment is not how you feel but a choice that you make daily. Do what you need to do to take that one step at a time!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

4 Ps: The Pros of a Break Up

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Believe it or not a break up is a blessing in disguise.  Even though it may not feel like it in the moment, there are some benefits to the end of a relationship. Below I discuss 5 reasons why a break-up may turn out to be a bonus!

1. pres·er·va·tion(n) the act of being reserved for a particular person or group.

About a week or so ago I met up with a friend from college and in reference to my second blog post "How the Mighty Have Fallen!"she told me "Girl! Your break up was not  a loss it was a gain. The Lord is trying to preserve you!" Reflecting back on her statement I thought how  true?!

 My breakup wasn't a surprise to God, He already knew it was going to happen. He wasn't trying to humiliate me or make me feel unloved or rejected. He already knew that wasn't  his plan for me long term and wanted to preserve me so that I can be His Best for someone else.  

Like a precious piece of art the creator knows that if it's touched or passed around too many times it will start to lose it's value so he places it in an area in a gallery that's roped off so curious fingers don't damage it in any way.You will never decrease in value to God but he knows that sometimes we lower our worth based on our brokenness.

He wants to make sure that  your emotions, self esteem, self worth and identity is intact and not damaged by the last one who came along. He wants to set you apart and not aside for the person who has yet to love you in ways that you have never been loved.

2. pro·tec·tion(n) a person or thing that prevents someone or something from suffering harm or injury.  

  Often times  when you see a toddler walking with a parent they are trying to pull away while their parent is holding on for dare life! The toddler wants to feed their curiosity and desire for freedom but throws a tantrum because they are not getting what they want. Little do they know that there is a flight of stairs just a few feet away that mommy or daddy is trying to protect them from.

 If they let their little hands go, there is a possibility that the toddler will tumble  down the stairs and hurt themselves or worse for the sake of fulfilling their desires. Just like the parent  protecting their child, that's how God looks out for us! As mere humans we can see only a slice of the whole pie. Your relationship may have appeared to be enticing  to you but God knows that later on down the road things aren't going to be as  attractive.   

That person is by your side now but when the going gets tough are they going to stick around? As the relationship progresses will they support you and build you up or tear you down because of jealousy.?Will their love turn out to be conditional and they leave after things are not what  they expected it to be? It is easy to get along with someone when things are going well.Honestly the possibilities are endless as to what God is protecting us from. 

This may sound dramatic but I love watching mystery TV shows like Dateline and 48 Hours. Unfortunately, there are many  episodes of spouses killing their husband or wife. I can't even tell you how many times I wondered  if their spouse ignored signs especially while they were dating.  How many of those couples broke up and somehow found their way back to each other not realizing that  Man's rejection was God's protection.

3. prep·a·ra·tion (n)  the action or process of making ready or being made ready for use or consideration. 

One of my favorite pastimes is reading and I've been doing that more frequently recently. While reading through the comments on an article about relationships this lady referred to her Ex as her "preparation man".Some of you can even say you had a "preparation woman"! 

What is that you ask? Well the trial run before the real deal. I've learned so much about myself, relationships and the opposite sex during the last several months than I've ever had in the last few years. Now that I'm equipped with some knowledge through time and experience then I have the power to apply it. 

Don't be too hard on yourself because your relationship  didn't work out! Recognizing the dos and donts,your likes & dislikes and wants & needs, will allow you to  make changes to your list ,make better choices, and improve yourself for future relationships. 

Falling does not always equal failure, it can yield preparation for the next go around. In the words of the late great Aaliyah "if at first you don't succeed dust your self off and try again". Part of falling is being banged and bruised up but also learning and growing in awareness.

Identify what made you fall in the first--second or third--place so that the next time you run around the track you can avoid those pot holes and effectively complete the race. The lessons you have learned from your former relationship(s) are tools to building successful ones moving forward.

4. pro·mo·tion(n) the action of raising someone to a higher position or rank or the fact of being so raised.
This probably makes no sense especially when one goes from hearing " You are the love of my life" to " Let's be great friends". Ouch!That's like the ultimate demotion! 

It's funny how when you are in a relationship you think it's the best thing since slice bread (as us Jamaicans would say lol). Now looking back I definitely realized that it wasn't all that I thought it was cracked up to be especially after the first several months.
We live in a relationship obsessed world. It's all around us from music, movies,TV shows,conversations with friends and families and certain holidays.There is definitely unspoken pressure to all the singles to get in a relationship.

Let me tell you, there is so much more to life than relationships or marriage. Yes the Lord cares about your desires and want to promote your love life but there are other areas as well that He wants to elevate! Some people will never live up to their full potential because of who they have chosen to join themselves with. God looks at the bigger picture, he doesn't ever want you to settle in life!  

How many times do we see ourselves trying to sit in some mediocre seats thinking that's all we can afford  when God already reserved the VIP section for us in this stadium called life. 
God can use your pain to promote you! He can open doors for you to get a literal promotion at work, start a ministry or organization to inspire others who went through what you did too or write a best selling book(where do you think self help books come from?).

I follow several women  on social media who lost a ton of weight post break-up/divorce one now owns a gym to help improve the self confidence of other women and some  re competing in fitness competitions. Who knows where they would've been If they stayed in those relationships? There is nothing more fulfilling after a relationship than accomplishing something on your own. It's a great way to gain self-confidence!

I'm sure you can think of individuals whose life got promoted despite of their brokenness;or because of it.The same thing that we think disqualifies us is exactly what qualifies us to be used.

 I want you to know that in your pain there is preservation, protection, preparation and promotion. What the enemy used to break you down the Lord will use it for His good! 

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Hindsight is 20/20

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Often times it takes getting out of a relationship to finally see clearly. In the beginning you feel so high off the "love drug" that your judgment is clouded from the smoke of passion.

It's inevitable that you will eventually crash and  have to face reality. Especially with two imperfect people attempting to do life together. Passion or chemistry won't sustain a relationship.

Here are 7 lessons that I've learned from my relationship now that I'm going through my period of detox.

1.There is no guarantee.

When you are dating, engaged or even married! I felt extra secure in my relationship,  like there was nothing we couldn't overcome. I never doubted  that we would go to that next step; it was just a matter of when. Even with the bumps along the way, it was OK all we had to do was just fix it! Right?!

Well! That was  easier said than done. Naturally, there are times in a relationship where you are not sure exactly what the other person is thinking or feeling.

You have to trust their word that you are both on the same page. There is such a level of vulnerability that comes with opening up your heart to someone.

 We don't even know what we want for lunch much less who we want to spend our life with or continue dating.

This unveiled to me that yes you should have trust in your significant other but my faith and plans for my life should be placed in God not man! Both people should be bringing your relationship before God. If we strive to make a relationship successful in our own strength we will fail.

 He is the only guarantee. 

2. Everybody's love story is different.

There is no magical formula for love. I've heard and seen them all. 

Exhibit #1- The couple in their 20s who met, started dating, got engaged and married all within a year's time.
Exhibit #2- The couple who dated for 8 years moved in together and one person decided that they no longer want to be in a relationship.
Exhibit #3- The couple in their 30s who dated between 2 to 4 years and took the next step and now have a successful marriage... or Not.
Exhibit#4- The couple who were high school sweethearts, married for 30-something years, then decided they want a divorce.
(These relationships also may include children)

  I'm sure you can think of more variety of couples. There is no rhyme or reason to relationships. You can do things the "right way" and it still doesn't turn out how you want it to.

At the end of the day a relationship involves two people but you can only be responsible for your actions.

It's OK if your love story doesn't look like your best friend's or sister's or mother's; as long as you end up with God’s Best!

Don't rush the process for the sake of title or time. It's better to want and not have, than to have and not want. When the right person comes along, it will all make sense and you will be so glad you waited.

3. If someone shows you who they really are believe them.

 It's so easy to talk yourself into staying in a relationship that you know have passed its expiration date. Why do we stay? We tend to think only of the good times and then sweep the not so good ones under the rug.

 Who the person shows you to be in their daily life is who they will be in their love life. You may not see it initially in your relationship but eventually it will start to overflow.

Do they have a stable job or living situation? If not, then they may start to display a lack of commitment to you. If they don’t have a vision then how do they know where you fit in God’s purpose for their life?

That person not managing their finances appropriately may result in them being a poor provider later on down the road. There are so many more things to be aware of, such as how they treat their family & friends,displaying responsibility & decision making skills etc. 

Never stay longer than you know you should. That’s the point of dating anyway, to see if that person is well suited for you. If not then let them go. Temporary pain, leads to long term gain.

4. Relationships take work, work, work, work, work!

 Intentionality is key in any relationship. It is easy to get comfortable and complacent. Guys: pursuing a girl is just as important during the relationship  as it is before.

Think about it this way, once you get your dream car  it's not going to run itself. You have to turn on the ignition, shift the gear, press down on the gas pedal, guide with the steering wheel and bring it to the mechanic for regular maintenance. You get my drift {pun intended}

Both people  need to be consistent with communication, honesty and making quality time for each other. 

One of the worse feelings in a relationship is holding it down on your own while your partner is digging their heels into the ground. Not cool.

 SN: If you are done with the relationship just say so respectfully. It's not fair to the other person. Mostly likely they can tell you checked out anyway. 

5. Don't do too much too soon.

 Pace yourself! Don't start talking about deep dark secrets, fears or the future until further along in your relationship. Build  first.

Even though these sound like obvious things to talk about when getting to know each other. It may cause more harm than good. You may feel that you already invested so much into the relationship, emotionally and or physically so you believe that it's too late to back out now.

You ever heard about emotional dependence, infatuation and awakening "love" prematurely? 

From my personal experience, we were exchanging "I Love You's" less than 6 months in. 
I don't doubt that I loved my Ex but I believe it was based on who I perceived him to be as opposed to reality. Once I realized that he may not be for me, I felt like I invested too much to discontinue what we had.

If we paced ourselves upfront, we would have realized sooner rather than later that we were not as compatible as we thought. 

In a relationship time is your best friend! If God identified his Best for you then you have the rest of your lives to get to know each other. No need to rush.

SN: I believe there are some exceptions to this. I know couples personally who started dating, got engaged and married in less than a year who have healthy relationships.

6. Don't ever compare yourself or be jealous of other couples.

You never know what couples are going through once they put their selfie sticks  away. Don't get me wrong, I believe it's important to protect your relationship so they may not be necessarily "faking it". Posting every argument or venting to certain people in your life will only open the door for disunity and even more conflict to creep in.

Social Media has it's benefits but it also has it's drawbacks as well.

 You never know what some people settle for in relationships to get likes. The same can be said  for the other way around.

You never know the battle that some couples had to fight to get their love to where it is today. Some women or men may be jealous of what the other person has but would be the first to leave when challenges arise.

Comparison is the thief of joy. Celebrate what God is doing in the lives of those around you(and on social media) and see what he does in yours!

7. Don't be too hard on yourself!!

  This can be said for two things:

#1. When you look back and realize you were in a relationship that you had no business being in in the first place. #2 When you had your not so proud moments in your relationship that wasn't the best reflection of your character.  

I'd be lying if I said I didn't judge my own decision making skills once everything was  done. What was I thinking?!

I came to the conclusion that our break up was inevitable. There was nothing else I could've said or done to stop it. You can do everything the "right way" in a relationship however if  that person is not God's Best for you (or you for them) it will never last no matter how hard you try.

We aren't perfect, including your Ex.If you know you messed up when you were together don't beat yourself up.

Rectify it by taking ownership for your part (even if it's 10%), apologize(If possible, I did!) and learn from those mistakes so that you don't take it into your next relationship.

Thank God for his limitless grace!

 What About You?

What are some lesson that you have learned from relationships?! 

I'd be the first to tell you that I'm no relationship guru. These are lessons I've learned through trial and error. Some of these I knew before, but it took me experiencing it to really open my eyes. I’m grateful for these lessons.

I can truly say that I am a stronger woman than I was 5 months ago. Walking through the process isn’t easy, but it’s helping me to grow!

Monday, October 9, 2017

How the Mighty Have Fallen!

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Woww are you freakin' serious?!
10 months together and now you want us to "go our separate ways"?
Conversations about forever but you can barely last a year....

One of the worst pains in life is when  someone chooses to stop fighting for/with you and walks away from the ring dragging pieces of your heart along with them.

 Why wasn't I worth fighting for?

During that first week post break-up I was a mess; so weak it wasn't even funny. 
Just going through the motions like a zombie wondering around aimlessly.

Dreading him coming up in conversation with people who meant well but were clueless as to what just took place. 

It seriously felt like I was mourning his death, even though he was just a car ride away.

I was torn between hiding under my covers  and  going through my daily routine. I chose the latter since it was a distraction even though my insides felt like they were crumbling like Jenga blocks.

Who was going to love me now?

Forehead kisses, unwavering support, the warm embrace of a man, deep talks about life, perfectly handwritten cards and hearing him say "Hey Beautiful" like it was my first name were now a distant memory.

 I always felt that I would've rather not love than love & lost because then I wouldn't know what I would be missing.  Now i do..and it sucks.

It was a hard pill for me to swallow, as with any person who loves hard.

I longed for the day that he would  pick up the phone and say he wanted me back but ..that was wishful thinking.

After reluctantly embracing my new reality of being single again. I was so determined to press forward and never look back. 

I waited 20-something  years for this?!

My intent was to erase him from my life, wishing that I never opened the door to us. Everything we experienced together  was  now tainted  with emotions of what was.

One of the many lessons I've learned from my relationship is that you cant love without risk. They are hand in hand, especially when dealing with humans.

SN: God's love is relentless, steadfast & forever faithful.

Finally getting over the initial shock of such an abrupt end to our love story, I'm more bummed now that I have to start from scratch. I was so close yet so far from having what so many are craving.

Yo it's hard out here!

The beauty about starting from scratch is.. its pure with no unnecessary processes or additives. You can add  or subtract what you want. It's your life, you are the creator of how it will look moving forward.

No more waiting on him or her to get their act together, no more feeling like you have to chose between your relationship & your goals and no more being treated like an option while they were your priority. 

 Travel the world, pursue your dreams, go after that new business venture, start volunteering or a new hobby, go back to school, launch a blog/vlog or do absolutely nothing. 

One of my favorite gems that I got from reading  It's called a Break up because its Broken is that a break up gives you the opportunity to redesign your life!

Once I embraced that perspective, my spirit was renewed and hope awakened.Just like how I chose love daily in my relationship, I choose happiness without one.

What About You?

What did
you do or would like to do now that you are single again?
