Broken Crayons

Broken Crayons

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Grateful Eight


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Thanksgiving is one of my  favorite holidays! I love the food,time with my loved one's, the holiday spirit and knowing that Christmas is just a few short weeks away!!

Unfortunately, all those things sometimes takeaway from the main reason why we come together every third Thursday in November: To Give Thanks! 

How many of us really set aside a specific time on "Turkey Day" to reflect on the things that we are grateful for and give God thanks for all He has done!

I  had already planned on doing this post a few weeks back but this weekend I went to the RISE Women's Conference at my church which was PHENOMENAL! I left feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and empowered.

One of the sessions on the last day just confirmed for me to write this post even more! The message was entitled "Be Grateful, Have Faith". Us women were given a call to action! This year's theme was Wonder and in order for us to live a life of  wonder we can start by making a list of things we are grateful for and then a second list of things that we have faith for the Lord to do in our lives. 

My list of things that I'm grateful/thankful for is endless but today I'd like to share 8 of them with you:

My Break-Up: I have gained SO much this year including inner strength, a new perspective on relationships & life and empathy for other women. What the enemy meant for evil, the Lord will use it for good!I'm looking forward to sharing some more about my gains in a future post!

My Blog: Wow! I literally can't say enough about this. One of the practical things that multiple break-up articles or videos recommended was to write out your feelings hence ColorfullyBroken. This is one of the most fulfilling things that I've ever done and I feel beyond honored that the Lord is using my experience to help others especially young women. God knew that he would turn that little girl writing stories in her notebook into a blogger one day. 

My Church: I love being connected to a community that serves as an oasis for me every week. I can pour myself out through ministry and get refilled each time.

My Family & Friends: When times get dark that's when the light around you shines the brightest. I love my family and  friends since they are like family. The Lord used them in such a special way in my life this year,they have no idea!They were only doing what they know how to,Being supportive, loving and just being there. Ladies,that's why it's so important for us to build each other up. I know it sometimes feel like a competition in the world of women but building each other up is much more valuable than tearing our sisters down. 

My Story: I LOVE surprises. I literally walk through life  like it's a big surprise party. You never know who or what is going to be on the other side of the door.Your life can literally change in a blink of an eye. God can do in 5 minutes what you have been fighting to achieve for 5 years! I heard something this weekend that was like an "Aha Moment": God already finished writing your story, He just reveals it to us in pieces! I totally get this, if we skipped to the end of the story we will probably run to the hills in fear of not feeling worthy of being used by Him. How do you finish a book? One chapter at a time.I'm so excited for Chapter 2018,2019,2020 and beyond!

My Redemption: Thank you God for second chances.He recovered my heart, hope, freedom and future.

My Heavenly Father: Without Him, I would have no one to depend on, confide in, lean on or pray to. Yea most of us have our support system however they cannot be there for us 24/7. He is always loving on me, being oh so good to me and constantly faithful.He can be my Lord, Savior, Father and Man all at the same time.

My Singleness: Y'all! Being in a relationship was one of the hardest things I've ever been apart of; even when things were good. I consider myself to be a very independent woman and being in a partnership where someone else brought their own unique qualities and habits to the table was very challenging for me. It was an  adjustment having  to learn how to share my life with someone else.I didn't realize that it would be so difficult;being single is honestly a walk in the park! 
This is no way knocking anyone in a relationship or marriage.I've heard from the horses mouth and experienced it myself: it's not always butterflies and rainbows. Even though  it can be demanding at times, I'm sure that being with God's Best is beyond rewarding and worth the wait.I have had so many wives tell me to enjoy this season and that I shall! 

What About You?
 What are you some things that you are grateful For?

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

"Love Notes" for the Broken Hearted

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When going through seasons of brokenness many of us turn to that one thing we can count on to help  us get through our valley. Mine was and still is my faith.I dived in head first into the Word. Searching to find the answers to my questions, joy to my pain, strength to my weakness and comfort to my misery. 

Today I share some of those scriptures that I meditated on that literally gave me life during a time of mourning. I pray that these "love notes" will bring you hope, encouragement, peace and strength.

ColorfulTip: Whenever I find a scripture that speaks to me I screenshot it and put it as my background either on my phone or desktop at work.That way, its literally always in front of me, ready and available for me to meditate on when I need it.

Wow this verse is so encouraging! Because of your faith in the Lord you will be blessed! There may be times when you don't feel blessed but that's the interesting thing about faith. We  choose faith even when we don't feel or see what we are looking for. It's not always easy to do especially when we are in our little valley but the  Lord is faithful to come through with His promises for you! Luke 1:45

During our brokenness is most likely when we feel our weakest and that our dignity has been stripped away. The last thing we want to do is laugh and our future seems uncertain. I love verses like this one. I try to envision the future me, where I want to be. During that time of brokenness we desire to feel strong, be dignified, full of laughter and courageous about where we are heading. I believe that once we are diligent with declaring such a bold scripture over our lives we will start to delight in it and it would be manifested in our lives! Proverbs 31:25

Heart ache caused by loss is in a whole category by it self. Sometimes that same person who is no longer there is who we looked to to be our sustenance. They were our rock, motivation and support.Once that person is no longer with us we feel lost, weak and sometimes confused.We put so much of our everything in people that we forget that they are human just like us. Life is short, anything we can physically see or feel is temporary. Isaiah 46:4 emphasizes that our heavenly Father will sustain us with whatever we need; be it love, strength, joy or life.Who better to look to than the One who created us!

 A good friend of mine gifted this verse to me on a canvas last Christmas. I thought it was adorable! Little did I know that it would have more of an impact on my life than expected. Going through a break-up can affect your self-esteem, self-confidence, and brings rejection and abandonment issues. It's hard to feel worthy or valued especially after being dismissed by the one who you thought you needed that validation from the most. There were so many times that I would wake up  and my eyes met these words on my wall as I got out of  bed to start my day. It was a much needed reminder and confirmation about my value. I would never place it into the hands of man ever again (this includes women too, girls can be so catty at times)! With or without that person you are more precious than rubies. Proverbs 3:15

I'll be the first to admit that I have a Type A personality. I like to put all my ducks in a row and plan ahead,sometimes wayy ahead! Put it this way, I'm already brainstorming ways to celebrate my birthday in June which is over 6 months away! I'd like to think that the more I plan the less stress that I'll have and everything will be perfect. We all know that's not always the case. Have you ever planned a wedding? I haven't yet, but I've been in a few. Something almost always goes wrong, even after 12 Months or more of planning! Anyways.. I say that to say even when we plan in advance sometimes we get surprises along the way and not the good ones either! The Lord has been working with me on this. I need to trust him as the captain of my ship instead of trying to take the wheel. Sad to say I've crashed a few times. I think it's best for Him to take over it's just easier said than done. Marriage, babies, career, the house with the white picket fence etc. will work out perfect in His timing.

I'm in my late 20s and often times, I reflect and think that I am not where I thought I would be at this time in my life. I said this while talking to a lady the other day and she said she still felt that way and she was in her forties! Life sometimes feel like we take one step forward and ten steps back. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds me that God has me right where he wants me to be. He is not even surprised at where I am  in life. For whatever reason we are on a detour or the arrival to our destination is delayed but it's coming! He wants to prosper you, give you hope and a future to look forward to!

What About You?!
What are some love notes that you enjoy meditating on to get you through those tough times?

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Life Post Break-Up: 6 Months Update

      Hi There! Click here to be redirected to my new website at                                            

This time 6 months ago I was about to experience my first break-up and I had no idea. When it finally happened I was so grieved because of the failure of our relationship. I was literally so SAD! I couldn't wait until months down the road when the pain would finally fade away. It was hard to imagine in that moment because happiness seemed so distant.

I could almost relate to those teen girls you sometimes see on TV who think that a break-up is the end of the world. It almost felt that way but I knew it wasn't. I  just felt a deep sadness that was hard to explain. I was praying for the day when I would genuinely be happy again and I wasn't putting on a front trying to act like I was OK.

It honestly took about two months for me to really be myself again. I refuse to let someone else's actions or words have that much power over my emotions and spirit.I woke up one day with a  renewed hope in my heart. I could feel the the Lord accelerating my restoration and healing!I was expectant about what God was going to do in my life.

So much has happened since my break-up in May and I'd like to share some of those things with you:

1. I co-presented at the state conference for my job! I felt like I was living out one of my passions. I felt very blessed that the Lord opened that door for me on that level to use my gift to speak with individuals from across the state. I really felt God's favor over my life during that conference.

2. I started Colorfully Broken! If it wasn't for my heart break this blog wouldn't have came into fruition. I created this because I literally had no clue what to do when my break up happened. Google, YouTube and the Lord were my best friends lol! Yea I was praying for the Lord to take away my pain and to bring me joy but I also wanted to learn some practical tips and advice to get through a break up.

 It's interesting  how when I was in high school I would be jealous of girls who always seem to have a boyfriend.What I didn't realize was a lot of boyfriends also meant a lot of heart break! How do people do this all the time?! This isn't the most fun subject to talk about but it's needed. There are so many resources about relationships and being single but not so  much about this transitional phase. Writing this blog has helped me to heal as much as those of you who read it.Thank you!

3. I took a couple mini road trips to spend time away from home. It's always so refreshing to step away from your daily routine to get some relaxation and refilling even if it's several hours away.  Thank God for amazing friends! I can truly say mine are the best for expressing their love to me and listening when I needed it the most.

4. I went to two concerts! This may not sound like a big deal to you, but it was for me. On our absolute last date (and the last time I saw my Ex) we went to see John Legend in concert which was always on  my bucket list! I was so excited and I was counting down the days till it finally happened. Less than two weeks later, our relationship went down the drain. This may sound silly but I felt that it spoiled my experience and in a way tainted John Legend for me.

Several months later I was gifted tickets to the Faith Hill & Time McGraw concert which was amazing! It was special that I got to share that experience with my mother and grandmother. That same weekend, I got to see one of my favorite worship artists Pastor William McDowell in concert. I was also able to speak with him and take a photo! That event was truly a worship experience. My heart was so full that weekend. I felt like God redeemed my time and showed me nuff love!

These are just a few of the many things that took place within the last 6 months. It's so easy to want to stay in bed under the covers and hide but there are so many things to experience and God wants to pour His love out on you!

Be intentional in getting your life back because it is possible. I'd be lying if I said that I don't ever think about what was; I do sometimes but I know I'm not going back. Been there, done that and took the selfie(a lot actually lol)! God has so much in store for me. I'm looking forward to sharing some resources with you in the upcoming weeks that I used to help me and is continuing to help me get through this season!